Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Separation of Truth and Power

Morality is made up of empathy, fairness, and reason. If you have those skills you should feel guilty for not telling the truth. Part of the sociopathy diagnosis includes lacking empathy and fairness. Other conditions can then be applied, such as Narcissism and Megalomania.

People in power can develop contempt for journalism and refuse to be interviewed, but this contempt seems to have developed almost quantifiable stages of extremes to the point where someone such as the United States Ambassador to The Netherlands, Pete Hoekstra, apparently has contempt for the media to such a degree that can only best be described by other sources here, as I myself have few words:
The news media, also known as the 4th Estate, serve to educate the public so they can make informed civic choices, but the public has grown cynical of the news media and cynical of congress, to such a degree that the majority of the public does not vote.

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